Hello new friends!
to my daily blog! Or should I say “Hello, this is me, please be gentle” ?!
I don’t know. I feel like I shouldn’t welcome
you because I’m the one new here, right ? Uff, why am I always full of
indecisions? Even the reason why I’m always full of indecisions is an
my name it’s going to be Miri because I kinda like it and because it has to be
with my real name. That’s it. I’m Portuguese and unfortunately I’m only 15.
life it’s like a big and fluffy ball of problems, indecisions and bipolarity.
Like everybody, I have problems, and I’m trying to learn how to deal with them.
This blog is actually a way of mine to deal with my problems.
other of my indecisions is: Should I do this in English because everyone will
understand or in my maternal (?) language, which is Portuguese ?
Lots of love,